Screen door slides with a lot of effort and doesn't close correctly

I have a 2004 Guardian patio door with a screen. The glass portion slides open and close with ease. The screen portion is awful. When you can muscle it open it doesn't close at the top so every mosquito has a good 1-2" gap to fly right into my house. I did notice the track was dirty so I'm hoping that will fix the sliding issue but the fact that it doesn't close tight still bugs me. Any thoughts are very much appreciated.

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Jul 24, 2019

by: Adrian

Cleaning the tracks is good but more than likely you have rollers on the bottom that are seized up.

Its possible that the door has jumped off the track and is jammed between the track and the patio door but rollers are the most common culprit

Guardian doors often use the 90021 rollers on my screen door roller page. The Gap you talk about makes me think a corner might be broken too. Those come with the roller kit.

Once the rollers are replaced you will be able to square up the door in the frame and get it to close properly

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