Andersen screen door and window repair

Andersen screen door and window screens can last a lifetime if you take care of them. There are parts that wear out and need to be replaced though. Here are some of the question visitors to this site ask on a routine basis about Andersen windows.

1/4" Polyfoam screen spline installation

We need to replace screening in frames for Andersen casement windows. The original spline is aluminum, difficult to replace because it flexes and bends when it is removed to get the old screen out. We think we probably "could" get the aluminum spline back in and "maybe" get it to stay in place, but we are not sure about that.

We think it may be easier to buy new round vinyl spline instead, but we cannot find a size large enough at retail stores to fit in the groove. How can we determine the exact size spline we would need to order for this purpose?

Andersen will sell us replacement screens (frames and all), but it is cost prohibitive for us. We need to do the rescreening ourselves.

Thank you.

The Aluminum spline on the frames is usually square and measures 1/4" x 1/4". You can replace it with the 1/4" diameter round polyfoam spline found here.

1/4" round polyfoam is much easier to work with than trying to reinstall the old aluminum. Its important though to make sure what the size of the old aluminum spline is because you want the new spline to have a tight fit.

Do your kits fit andersen window/door products

Yes my roller replacement kits will fit Andersen doors that use the roller assembly shown in the picture above. This is a 1-1/8" friction fit corner that is used by many other window companies. The corners I use are beefier and have better rollers and housings.

Anderson screen door spline

by Dawn Lunn

I would like to replace a screen on my Anderson screen door, but the spline is about 1/2" flat plastic, and I can't find anyone that carries it. Any ideas??

I have posted pictures of a couple of flat splines available in 100 foot rolls.

Anderson screen door roller
adjuster is stripped.

by Red

I was trying to adjust the roller on my Anderson screen door and I over tightened the adjusting screw. Trying to back out the screw I stripped the screw slot.

I tried to make the slot longer with a flat screw driver that I heated up with a propane torch. This lasted one attempt, and now I'm unable to reach the adjusting screw altogether. How do I now get the roller adjusted?

Andersen screen door corners dont last forever. And most of them are more disposable than repairable. Sounds like its time to just pull out all the rollers and corners and replace them.

Links to more Andersen window articles

Andersen / Emco storm door screen spline needed