Retractable Storm Door Glass Coming Out of Frame

by Donnette
(Fredericksburg, VA)

Pella storm door sash frame coming apart

Pella storm door sash frame coming apart

I need to repair the window frame on my Pella Retractable Storm Door. The frame is coming apart on the glass.I measured my second storm door and it appears there’s is less screen area on the broken one so it appears the screen may not be coming all the way down, but I’m not an expert. What would be the easiest fix for this problem? Thank you.

Hi Donnette;

This is an annoying problem, but should easy enough to fix.

The glass windows in a storm door are called sashes yours has pulled apart for some reason.

The frames are held together with friction fit keys or tiny screws. The friction fit keys can work loose after a lot of opening and closing and then the whole frame comes apart.

You need to get the sash taken out of the door, and then put the sash back together. If the sash is made of aluminum, the way I usually fix loose corner keys is to center punch the frame at the corners to make it grip the key tightly again.

If the frame is plastic or vinyl then the corner key would need to be glued in.

Should be easy work for a local glass shop to do. Better to get them take it out because its really easy to break the glass when its apart like that..

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