Pella Sliding Screen Door Rollers


Pella roller and adjustment screw

Pella roller and adjustment screw

Hi, I have a Pella Sliding Screen Door that wasn't gliding on the track so I lifted it up to remove and fix it and a nylon screw fell out.

It looks like it broke where it is supposed to be screwed into the frame. I was able to connect the nylon screw with a short screw that I had but now the roller sitting 1/4" below the bottom of the door.

It looks like everything is in the right place but I can't figure out why it's not going all the way in when the top of the nylon set screw is as high as it can go. Any ideas?

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Dec 11, 2020
Pella Sliding Screen Door Rollers and Set-screw
by: Anonymous

I am the one who posted the questions about the Pella screen door roller.
I had a screen door guy come over and this was the issue: the set-screw was not broken. It has to be placed inside the opening where the roller sits, then the roller is placed afterwards. The screw driver goes in the top of the hole and connects with the set-screw and is screwed up into the hole so the top of it is level with the metal frame. The small metal head on the screw does not go into the slots provided on the roller casing. The screw is designed to lower the roller if needed.
I think the painters messed it up when they were trying to remove the screen door for painting. They didn't realize you have to remove the metal casing at the top of the screen door first. It does not just lift out of the track like most sliding screen doors.

Nov 18, 2020
Pella Screen Door Nylon Set Screw
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much! I appreciate your help!

Nov 15, 2020

by: Adrian

The nylon screw looks ok but I cant see the other end

The end of the nylon screw has to go into the wider end end of the slot in the roller

Then the roller housing gets slid over so the nylon screw is locked into the slot

If the nylon screw end is worn and it pulls right out of the slot, then you need a new screw.

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