Patio Door Wont Lock

This is a really dumb question... Here goes! So I have this patio door with an aluminum slider it only has one handle and I'm not sure which way the handle should face, in the house or outside. I have looked at both sides of the slider and there isn't a place on the one side to open it. Or is there a specific way to know which way the door faces? I'm not even sure this door belongs on this frame, it has a locking mechanism but the door jamb doesn't have a place to lock into. I’m renting and just moved in so this is new to me.

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Apr 08, 2019

by: Adrian

Would need a picture to tell for sure but it sounds like your old lock is a surface mount style.

Normally one of these locks would latch into a keeper on the inside of the door jamb but most likely the handle was put on to replace a broken one that happened to have the same screw spacing.

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