My screen door hisses at me

by Linda

My new screen door ) 1 year old) all of the sudden is making weird sounds when it closes.
Can't figure it out. Love the door. Glass with adjustable blind in between the glass)
Almost sounds like air or something is in it.
Hope u can help me.


Hi Linda;
The door has a cylinder which uses air pressure to close the door and prevent the door from slamming when it is almost closed.

The sound of air escaping from the cylinder is normal but if the door is slamming hard shut or closing way too fast that means the cylinder is worn out.

There is also a little valve on the cylinder that controls the escaping air. Turning it with a screwdriver speeds ups or slows down the closing speed of the door.

The kind of sounds you do not want is the sound of scraping metal, or the sound of metal hitting metal. That happens when the door gets old and sags. If the door is closing slowly and latches properly a little sound of escaping air is not a bad thing.

Hope this helps

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