Mortise storm door latch loud when door closes

by Mike
(Cleveland, OH)

Would like to somehow quiet the loud pop like noise that occurs when the Larson mortise storm door latch activates upon closing. It is very loud. The spring does it job and keeps the door closed but at a very high cost with loud noise. I cannot find a way to quiet it down. It's loud enough wake people in the upstairs in the morning if left to close on it's own. How can I fix?

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Jul 26, 2021

by: Adrian

Hi Mike;

Does the latch hit the vertical door jamb when it snaps into the locked position ?

You might need to drill into the jamb to make a deeper pocket so the latch wont bottom out

You could also put a small flat piece of foam rubber in the pocket to cushion the latch a little and reduce the noise and vibration from the spring

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