Mortise Lock Fell Down!

by Rachel
(Nashville, TN)

I was trying to remove my mortise lock to replace it and was unfamiliar with the inside workings. Needless to say, when I removed the door handle, the lock fell down inside the door! I believe I need the E2013 or E2014, however, since I do not have the original lock, I cannot determine the keyway position (vertical vs. horizontal). There is a circle where the key would be inserted onto the door. I believe if the key was all the way down, the latch would be extended into the keeper if that helps. Any ideas?

Hi Rachel;

Find a strong magnet that you can attach to the end of a straightened out wire coathanger or stiff piece of wire.

Snake the magnet down inside the door frame and see if you can catch the lock and fish it out.

If thats not successful you can leave the old lock in there and just find a new one.

A way to determine if the lock is a 2014 is to look at the the thumbturn lever that actuates the lock.

If it just makes a right angle or 90 degrees its probably a lever for a 2014

If it has both a 90 degree angle and a twist to it then its probably a 2013

If you are unsure please post a digital photo here and I will help identify the thumbturn

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Dec 28, 2018
Dropped lock inside door
by: Anonymous

I did the exact same thing and now it is-30 Below with windchill and my door won't close. Doubt the magnet thing would work being the magnet will stick to the inside of the door.

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