Mobile home Vanguard Patio Door handle

by Patricia C
(Philadelphia Pa.)

HI!! — It’s been over a year since the Sliding Door ( on a Mobile Home). Has a Broken Lock!!! I have contacted the contractor who added the room on—-that has this door!! He is stumped on WHERE to obtain a new Handle Lock!! Can you be of any assistance??? I would appreciate your expertise——and anxious to be able to lock my sliding door from the inside!!! ( You can still use a key to lock it from the outside !!! Thank-you for your time!!!

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Aug 17, 2019

by: Adrian

Hi Pat;

Its a Vanguard lock and I belive yours is a right hand version. You have to take the handle off to see if left hand or right hand. This information is stamped on the back.

The problem with these locks is the handle has a plastic link that breaks and then it cant operate the lock.

It sounds like this is what happened with yours because you said the door lock on the outside still works.

I have these handles, will contact you with price

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