Kolbe Latitude Patio Door Lock

by Kathie
(Brockport, NY 14420 US)

Kolbe Latitude Patio Door

Kolbe Latitude Patio Door

I have a Kolbe Latitude patio door. While trying to get the lock out, it fell down inside. How can I get it out, so I can bring it to the hardware store.I tried a magnet on a wire, but it wouldn't drop because it stuck to the door. Or do you know what type of lock that door requires? Thanks for your help

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Jul 06, 2019

by: Adrian

Hi Kathie;

I would try the magnet technique again using an old metal coat hanger straightened out to control the magnet a little better.

If that does not work send me some pictures of your door showing the handles and where the lock fits.

Just looking on the internet I found this sales brochure which shows handles that appear to use an E2014 Prime-Line mortise lock.

If the holes in the handles are spaced 4-15/16 inches apart and the lock fits in a rectangular mortise hole with screws at top and bottom it is likely what Kolbe used an E2014

That lock is probably the most widely used mortise lock across hundreds of of window companies. If I had pictures of your door I am sure it would be more clear what fits there

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