Can’t find replacement handle for hurricane patio door!

by Pam
(Pensacola Beach, Fl., 32561)

The handle on our 4” wide glass sliding door is loose and feels like it will fall off with every pull. We tried to find a replacement but can’t find anything listed for a 4 inch thick door frame. Even the maintenance man at our condo I has no idea. Any ideas where I can get a replacement? Thanks, Pam

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Jan 29, 2021

by: Adrian

Hi Pam;

The handle you have looks like a custom model possibly made by the company that made the patio door. Usually handles and locks are made by separate companies

Usually the inside handle has screws that go right through the door into the back of the outside handle.

That helps kept the handle tight on a door that is made of soft aluminum.

I did not see an outside handle on your door. If the screws for the handle just bite into the door, I can understand how they might work loose over time.

It sounds like you need steel threaded standoffs installed on the outside of the door so the handle screws have something substantial to tighten against.

Would love to see more pictures. Send them to my email address on the bottom of the home page at

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